Max and Takao battle in Max's dad's shop, but Max wins, due to his defensive-type Beyblade. Takao and Kyojyu meet Max Mizuhara (Max Tate in the English dub and the versions based on it), the new kid in town, just before a puppy is washed away to a waterfall. Transcription: " Atarashiki Tomo, Sononaha Makkusu" ( Japanese: 新しき友、その名はマックス) Takao then re-challenges Kai, and they draw. Takao asks the Dragoon for guidance when Dragoon goes right into his Bey.

After destroying Hiruta’s bey, Kai's goons Suzuka (Stewart in the English dub and the versions based on it), Tsukuba (Casey in the English dub and the versions based on it), and Motegi (Trevor in the English dub and the versions based on it) kidnap Kyojyu to use his laptop to find the ultimate Bey. Meanwhile, Kai then orders Hiruta's beyblade to be destroyed as punishment. Andrew, Kyojyu and Takao rebuild Takao's Bey. Andrew and Kyojyu inform him that the Shell Killers are looking for the ultimate Bit-Beast nobody can beat. Takao's Blade is destroyed by Kai due to the latter's Bit-Beast Dranzer. Disgusted by Kai's callous attitude, Takao challenges him to a battle. Before Hiruta can escape with his stolen Beyblades, his leader Kai appears and strikes him down for his failure. With new inspiration, Takao defeats Hiruta with a newly developed technique. Takao attempts and almost gives up until he has a vision of the Great Dragoon Spirit, a power that has been in the family from generations. A boy named Kyoujyu (real name Manabu Saien named Kenny "The Chief" in the English dub and the versions based on it) becomes friends with Takao, and they realize that they need a faster Beyblade to defeat Hiruta's heavier one. Takao arrives and snaps, challenging him to a battle at 3:00 by the river next day.

Before Takao gets there, a member of the "Shell Killers" ("Blade Sharks" in the English dub) named Hiruta (Carlos in the English dub and the versions based on it) fights and defeats him, taking his blade. Takao Kinomiya (Tyson Granger in the English dub and the versions based on it) realizes he is running late for a Beyblade battle with Andrew, the best Beyblader in town.