
Metacritic outlast 2
Metacritic outlast 2

The biggest change, and reason for the opening quote, is that over half of the game will revolve around evading or outrunning the enemies, which cuts back on the atmospheric terror that the original evoked so well. Additionally, Blake can hide in high grass and you can also hide underwater for short periods of time. Luckily, your camera is now equipped with a microphone that allows you to track enemies off in the distance. Red Barrels has taken full advantage of the more open atmosphere by pumping up the number of enemies you encounter. While the pathways are much more open, the game is still very linear, with more secrets tucked away in harder to find paths and hidden rooms. Most of the mechanics have not changed much you’ll still be defenseless against enemies and only have your camera to provide light, which is needed here more than ever due to the setting shifting to more of an outdoor locale. The images featured therein will likely haunt you for days after completing the title.

metacritic outlast 2

Even when being chased, which actually gets old in this title, these are the portions of the game where Outlast 2 really shines. I found this area to be much more thrilling and tense with its locked doors and linear pathways. The story will unfold by transporting you from the remote desert to a school, as if the school was built into the depths of the desert.

metacritic outlast 2

The new adversaries are light years ahead of the antagonists from the first offering, cranking the level of detail and terror to the max. The second group follows a strange woman (that looks and sounds like a man in drag) and are covered in branches and moss, making them look like one of those little twig dolls from The Blair Witch Project if it came to life. Each group has their own characteristics, one following an overweight Jim Jones type figure and the others… are a bit different. You’ll soon meet a group of conflicting factions that believe the end of days is near, and each have their own motives for your missing wife, who bounces back and forth between the sects throughout the game. After the helicopter crashes and you are separated, you’ll venture straight into the mouth of Hell to find your wife and get out of the nightmare that is unfolding in front of you. The story follows a new protagonist, Blake Langermann, as he and his wife Lynn fly to the remote Arizona desert to investigate the strange, unsolved murder of a young pregnant woman only known as Jane Doe.

Metacritic outlast 2