As Ramesses I reigned only into his second year, and the reign of Sethos I lasted between eleven and fifteen years, virtually everything here dates within a span of only twelve/seventeen years, at most.Īrranged by category, this hieroglyphic edition covers foreign wars and diplomacy (esp.

It does not, however, include purely literary, ritual and funerary texts.Īlmost all of the texts in this volume come from the very beginning of this new era in Egypt’s history at the beginning of the 13th century bc-either from the reign of Ramesses I, founding father of the Egyptian 19th Dynasty, or that of his dynamic son and successor Sethos I.

The aim of Professor Kenneth Kitchen’s magisterial Ramesside Inscriptions is simple-to make available the principal historical and biographical texts of the Ramesside age (c.1300–1070 bc) in a comprehensive, compact and accurate edition that should be comprehensive but handy to use.